Oct Deco
"Inspired by the granite work at Grand Central Station. I imagine this being an engraved tile on the floor as the sun sheds its last gleaming moments." Designed by Frank Candamil from USA.

October Faces
"In a nice Sunday morning excursion I collected the most cute and fun natures presents of Autumn — chestnuts! With a spare pen drew faces on them for fun… and then, my idea was born! They are my October faces ;)." Designed by Alkminnie Nestoridou from Greece.
Autumn Squirrels
Designed by Jenny Hurman (Evoluted New Media) from United Kingdom.
Creepy October
Designed by Christina Mokry from Germany.
Autumn Is The New Spring
“Who says Autumn isn’t fun? It’s the new Spring, after all!” Designed by Marina Zhukovfrom USA.
“October in Poland was always nostalgic. I also love to draw things with a pencil, ink and stuff and then colorize and manipulate it in an image editing application. So I’ve mixed nostalgy and my skills and here it is!” Designed by Kanze from Poland.
Will Miss You On This Halloween
“It’s the Halloween tonight… Jack-o-lanterns and spooky ghosts are coming to fight the haunted house, witches all alive again! But this time don’t miss your friends. It’s time to scare the family, pals and mates with ghosts! Wish you a happy Halloween night again and again.” Designed by Debobrata Debnath from India.
Watercolor Autumn
“There is nothing like being surrounded by beautiful, fiery, natural art for 2.5 months every year. This piece was inspired by the Falls I remember back in my New England hometown.” Designed by Rachel Ladew from USA.